Boats: Speeding! Sailing! Cruising!

£33.82 £20.29
(as of 03/01/2015 02:15 - info)

Tugboats! Yachts! Sailboats! Air carriers! Canoes! Fishing boats! Barges! Ferries! Ocean liners! Cruise ships! and many other boats move across the pages of this book. Jump aboard and have a good tim

Tugboats! Yachts! Sailboats! Air carriers! Canoes! Fishing boats! Barges! Ferries! Ocean liners! Cruise ships! and many other boats move across the pages of this book. Jump aboard and have a good time!

Patricia Hubbell introduces the fifth installment to her popular series featuring “things that go!” Sean Addy and Megan Halsey portray a variety of boats using vibrant clip art, etchings, and original drawings. What a perfect gift for anyone who loves sailing the ocean blue!

Boating, Hobbies

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